Dienstag, 26. Juli 2011

Cycle to Work Scheme

What is the Wiggle Cycle to Work Scheme?

In order to encourage healthier lifestyles and to help reduce environmental pollution the UK Government has introduced Cycle to Work Schemes. In addition to the health and environmental benefits of these Schemes, these Schemes also provide financial benefits to both the employer and employees.

The Wiggle Cycle to Work Scheme provides the necessary documentation (available to download at the bottom of this page) to allow an employer to set up a Cycle to Work scheme in order to provide employees with a bike and cycle safety accessories. The key points are:
  • The employer buys the bike and cycle safety accessories selected by the employee;
  • Most employers can reclaim the VAT on the bike and accessories purchased;
  • Most employers can claim capital allowances on the bike and accessories purchased;
  • The employer loans the bike to the employee for an agreed period. This hire period is normally 12 to 18 months. The employee pays hire charges to the employer through a salary sacrifice arrangement for the duration of the hire period;
  • As a result of the salary sacrifice arrangement the employer saves the Employers NIC (generally 12.8%) of the salary being sacrificed;
  • The Cycle to Work scheme is only available in the UK
At the end of the hire period the employer can sell the bike and accessories to the employee for a nominal amount. Alternatively the employer can retain ownership of the bike and accessories and allow the employee to use the bike and accessories with no salary sacrifice. 
Further information for your general cultural patrimonium on this link! 
 I bike to work, daily, doesn't matter the weather, if hot or icy, since about 2 years now.  When I go to an job interview I also look to see how the toilet rooms are, if I get the chance to clean myself or if I have enough space in my office to put my things. 
I have to admit that .... it isn't easy at all, especially in a big chaotic city as Bucharest!
I was yesterday to an interview with Praktiker, at the end of Voluntari. Cycling in rush from Marriott Hotel, starting at 5 p.m., on a terrible hot day, I reached the place after exactly 55 minutes (14 km). My interview was established at 6,30, so I had enough time to change in a proper suit. After the interview I went again to the bathroom and changed my clothes. Riding 22 km back home to A1 took one hour. But serious cycling.
To do this every day can be not so funny in this crazy city.
Anyway, it was an exercise I wanted to do. For the moment I work only 7 km away from home, so cycling every day about 14 up to 16 km it very easy, no long distance.
It isn't always very pleasant because I have no chance to wash myself after the ride. But I have learned to use a softer cycling and not to sweat.
For about one and half month ago I asked the hotel administration to place a bike stand in a more secure zone at the entrance and now I feel better about my bike. Unfortunately I cannot take the bike with me in the office, it would be nicer.
No, it is not possible for everyone to do this. Not all the people have the pleasure, passion and ability to ride a bike and to adapt to certain situations. It must not be. Not everybody should climb the Everest, right? I promote riding, I do ride every day, but due to the lack of tolerance, respect and education in traffic I cannot encourage the novices to go directly into the city traffic. Not in Bucharest, even if we would like to think in an utopic way and to say that everybody would like to cycle instead to drive. But, of course, it is a pity that the urban people will forget by the time to use even their own legs for walking .....
Almost all my colleagues are amazed about it and they appreciate this. So I feel comfortable and relaxed every time I change my clothes, I do not feel strange or funny. This is important too. Some of them are thinking about trying this new transportation ..... but they are afraid because of violence on traffic, to many cars, unfortunately.

2 Kommentare:

  1. Si eu merg la serviciu cu bicicleta…cred ca 10 km dus, 10 km intors, din dristor in pipera…si imi place pentru ca ma simt libera. Nu imi place pentru ca ma enervez uneori in trafic, dar m-as enerva si in metrou sau ratb cand in fiecare dimineata m-as impinge cu unii alti in spatiile inguste dintre vagoane sau dintre scaune.
    Initial eram singura, dintr-o cladire imensa de birouri, care isi parca bicicleta in stativul in fata. Acum regasesc cu placere in fiercare dimineata inca 3 biciclete, care au locul lor in stativ si ma bucur ca am fost un bun exemplu. Nu este usor sa te mobilizezi sa incepi sa mergi cu bicicleta in Bucuresti daca te rezumi doar la mici (sau mari) plimbari in parc.Clar toti coelgii noi au o atitudine de oau, dar se obisnuiesc repede cu stilul meu, prea putin conservator...uneori pe canicula si ploaie ma compatimesc, dar eu nu ma plang niciodata :).

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