Mittwoch, 26. Oktober 2011

aAaAa.... ce-ți doresc eu ție, dulceagă rOMÂNIE?

Dienstag, 25. Oktober 2011

Montag, 17. Oktober 2011

Freitag, 14. Oktober 2011

substanțele din piscine

Eu am pățit-o anul ăsta! Și destul de rău! Este a doua zi de când zac la pat și concluzia este, cel puțin pentru mine, incontestabilă: clorul și alte substanțe care se pun in piscine mi-au devenit dușman. Deci, printre altele, că tot am scăpat cu bine și de data asta, adios la tentative de antrenamente pentru sezonul viitor! Dacă nu găsesc ape deschise să înnot, bazinele WorldClass au devenit subiect tabu pentru mine. Precum și cel de la Facultatea de Medicină, unde mi s-a întâmplat prima oară pocinogul, în luna mai, de nu înțelegeam ..... WTF is this???

Am fost miercuri dimineață la locația WorldClass din Grand Hotel Marriott. În momentul în care am pășit în sala piscinei, am simțit că pic din picioare din cauza mirosului ascuțit de clor și chimicale. Cu siguranță că le-a scăpat o cantitate prea mare în bazin și poate era mai bine să închidă locația și să curețe apa. Mai erau 4 oameni în bazin. Am zis, OK, poate că mi se pare mie, deși ochii mi se încețoșaseră și canalul nazal suferea. Pur și simplu se respira greu, aerul te înțepa. De regulă nu mă obosesc să intru într-un bazin dacă nu înnot cel puțin un km. Din păcate, miercuri a trebuit să mă retrag deja după 130 de m de înnot (adică 10 lungimi din piscina aceea foarte scurtă de 13 m). M-am gândit să mă limpezesc în bazinul de jacuzzi. Și acolo m-am lovit de același nivel supra-supra-exagerat de chimicale, așa că după 3 minute am plecat spre vestiar, la dușuri. 
Și s-au declanșat, pe parcursul zilei, o serie de simptome ale unei alergii de rău augur, despre care nu am știut nimic până anul acesta:
- curge nasul precum la un robinet defectat, nu e chip să oprești fluidul sub nici o formă,
- apare o jenă în gât, pe trahee, ce se poate transforma într-o durere incomodă, ca atunci când te apropii de laringită,
- cerul gurii devine, în decurs de 24 de ore, atât de sensibil, încât ai senzația că ai o rană vie, deschisă. Nu poți să bei sau să mănânci, decât cu eforturi și cu dureri,
- la o fază mai accentuată, faci febră, cum am făcut eu în cele din urmă.

Am ajuns miercuri acasă pe la ora 6 p.m. și m-am băgat direct în pat, cu ceai fierbinte. Am zăcut în semi-delir până vineri dimineață. Cu mari eforturi mă deplasam la baie, căci trebuia să elimin cumva ceaiul băut cu greu. Pe la ora prânzului am simțit că nasul nu-mi mai curge, dar acum aveam altă problemă: mi se înfunda. Pe gură nu puteam respira, din cauza cerului gurii afectat. 
Acum, la aproximativ 60 de ore de la declanșarea reală a acestor simptome, mă simt mai bine. Nu mai am febră, doar că mi-e foarte foame. Evident, la cât nu am mâncat de două zile, probabil mi-aș mânca și pisica care se bagă în sufletul meu :-))
Deci, oameni buni, nu știu ce substanțe puneți în această piscină de la WorldClass Marriott, dar cred că miercurea trecută ați cam depășit măsura și mă întreb unde aș fi ajuns dacă nu aș fi ieșit din apă după zece minute!!

La finalul celei de-a 5-a zi de la declanșarea simptomelor, încă nu pot mânca în condiții normale. Cerul gurii a rămas încă extrem-extrem de sensibil și nu suportă cald, piperat, iute, acidulat sau alcool. Urâtă experiență. Mâine mă duc la muncă din nou, mă simt la nivelul 4 din schemă și mai ales mi-e cam foame!

Sonntag, 9. Oktober 2011

the first snow was riding slower as myself :-)

the story in pictures here 
technical details by Garmin here

We started at 6 a.m., on Saturday morning, Oktober the 8th. 20 men and one lady, me :-) And, following the story of my life, in a very, very, very short time the group lost me and I lost the group, I did not know the trail, left or right .... so I waited for a sunrise and, yes, following the story of my life, I did the track alone for the rest of the day. A new lesson of life. 

It was a pretty fresh air at 6 a.m., but warmer as expected actually. Pitch dark and this was my problem. As I am wearing permanent glasses, biking off road in the dark is a relevant problem for me, doesn't matter of the frontal light I have. For such of tours it would be ideal to know at least the trail, if not the most part of the group you are going to ride along. I didn't know anything of these. 
The trail started uphill for a while. Somehow I had the feeling that behind me are at least 10 people, so I stopped to help one guy who seemed to have troubles with his cycle computer. And then he disappeared in front of me in the darkness. Behind me were only 2 guys who also passed on further, so now I was the last one. As I reached the first intersection it was still dark, about 6,40 or so. Left or right? I called after guys, but nobody was in the area anymore. Nobody waited for the last one, as normally you do in a group when there are intersection and when the trail is not marked. I tried by phone to reach two of the guys but nobody answered to my calls, so I gave up and I considered on my own on the trail. A little bit much to early as expected, but life is hard.
I waited for about 15 minutes I think, to be some day light and to find out the bikes traces. I crossed one or two villages, no locals outside, nobody to ask for direction. I crossed Sohodol Village to Glajerie then.
I was called after about one hour. The big group split into two groups and the second one waited for me about 2 km in front of my present location. As I reached them after few minutes, they started immediately further. They were 3 people only. 
After few minutes I was alone again and one of the guys, Razvan, waited for me to a big intersection to explain me the outgoing path to Rasnov, to the left! I was very amused in my mind as he explained to me how long and difficult would be the trail to Diham Cab. He didn't say clearly: "You better give up and return!" :-)) I said "OK, OK, wish you a nice day, I will leave the trail." And he was gone and lost for my eyes in less than a minute.
It was about 8,30. "I should be really crazy to go back now, so early!" The weather was great, sunny, chilli, dry, ideal time for a long ride. So I followed the guy to the track to Diham Cab. It was a good idea. Long way, but less than 10 km up hill. I stopped for a while to eat something. 
Reaching Diham Cab I suddenly felt depressive. I can only use some words: empty, ruins, misery, degradation. It was a surprise to see that depressive location. I tried the outside toilets .... horrible experience indeed. I can only sigh .....
It was about 10 when I left Diham, going the steep uphill way, passing over some more ruins, future mountain cabs probably, which are at this moment only for sale. All these constructions are giving such a sad and destructive image to this high landscape ....
As the frog covered the land, I had to stop and to change my gloves, to put a hood I fortunately had in my backpack. It was cold and wet and cloudy, so I expected a long cold rain.
I followed relaxed the way to the left, to Rasnov. I wanted to go right, to Busteni, but then, the idea of going on DN1 to Rasnov was not so appealing and because I do not know the area, I had no map, no pump, I preferred to take the smallest risks. I thought back to Himalaya adventure and I felt again, like several times in my life, that traveling abroad give me always a much more comfort and security than traveling inside Romania. This is my perception since I remember to exist on this world.
Reaching the wet asphalt wasn't a joy, but I had no choice. So I rode up to left to Rasnov. It was strongly rained and from Rasnov I rode further to Bran, finding very easy the accommodation place, Cehov Pension. It was 1 p.m.
The room key had the guys, so I couldn't change and have a nice warm shower for about two hours, when I could ask for the reserve key and I enjoyed a hot shower and some chocolate I had brought with me. And a bier, of course :-)
The rest of the group arrives after 4-5 p.m., some others came after 8 p.m. We had a very tasty traditional bean soup.
I liked the location a lot, I would attend it any time for such of activities.  
I went to bed and in the morning all around was covered by the first snow blanket. Having in mind my Himalayan pictures, I said "good-bye" from Bran on Sunday morning at 11.

P.S. For less than 200 km incredible 4 hours and 30 minutes driving from Bucharest to Bran on Friday evening (6 p.m.) !!! and about 2 hours and 30 minutes the way back on Sunday morning (11 a.m.)