Donnerstag, 10. Juli 2014


2014: Something great will be happen to me! A big change..... 
          March 2014: At the end of the month I've got the final reply: Changed the country!
22.03.2014: Duathlon Buftea, Romania. Nice event!
          May 2014: I enter Austria, Vienna, Donau City.
17.05.2014: Vienna City Triahtlon. DONE!
25.05.2014: Biggest Run Race of Women. DONE, excellent time!
21.06.2014: Triathlon ironman distance, Oradea, Romania. DONE! Worse result, bad day, bad race - but all forecasted due to training lack! -, but finished the race!
June-November 2014:
          Goals:        50 km swim
                       1.200 km bike
                          800 km run
19.07.2014: Bike route recognition im Litschau. DONE!
27.07.2014: Bike route recognition im Zell am See. DONE!
02.08.2014: Zell am See, Austria: have to go there to run the triathlon bike route. Again. CANCELED
10.08.2014: Eisenman Litschau, Triathlon half ironman distance, Austria, running offroad. DONE!
30.08.2014: Tri the lake, olimpic triathlon in Zell am See - training for next day!  DONE!! 3h33min
31.08.2014: Triathlon IRONMAN 70.3, Zell am See, Austria. DONE!!!!!!! 7h55min
06.09.2014: Triathlon ironman distance, Podersdorf am See, Austria. 
DONE!!!!! 14h32min

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