Mittwoch, 9. September 2015

Enjoy sport, life, adventure - a new life style

I am happy to let you know about my next step into a new life style.
A healthy life style. Yeh, OK, you all know I have a healthy life style. But now is different ......
It is not about the products, even if it is about Aloe Vera.
It is about a big family and a different life style. 
Being now close to people who enjoy this life style for many years already I understand better what it is about. 
We promote emotions because we feel good. 
We use the same products, we have access to the same opportunities and closed groups of people who are really happy doing in life what they really enjoy most. The most I like the mothers with their flexible life, living in this system, being their own boss and spending 90% of their life with their children and family. All mothers are probably dreaming about having this life style, right?! Yes, of course! Thank you Sandra & others for letting me being part of your/our success :-)
What can be more enjoyable than having permanent contact with people, helping them to understand, to change, to open their minds, to do better, to have better and so on?
What can be more enjoyable than giving good advice to someone who is in need or in pain?
Of course we are supported by a various palette of products which we promote because we use the products and we feel exceptional. 
There are so many true stories to be told ..... indeed. This is a chapter I will focus on (follow my dedicated blog) starting November.
I was such an ignorant choosing too many years to ignore and delete a better chance for a better life. Coming from a country (Romania) where the Networking Marketing was unfortunately missunderstood because of a non-proper approach of course I had my doubts meeting the same system here (Austria). But the things in Austria, Germany, Swiss are very different, the approach is different, the people in the system are relaxed, transparent, ready to help, to explain, to advice, to show. It is a WIN-WIN situation, no stress, no pressure. It is fair play first of all.

Aloe Vera Products are not made to be tasty, but some of them are tasty, as for example the miraculous Argi+.
Their content is about 98% natural Aloe Vera Gel and this gel from the yellow bottle I take every morning now. 
The products palette is not huge and it has not to be, but for this the products are natural and healthy and very long on the international market.
I have a lot to tell, but now I have different priorities. I move out, I change my home, my work, my environment. 
I change the place. 
I have a lot to pack and to transport. 
I have a lot to manage and to prepare. 
I am on the way of a new path to a new way in life and this gives me trust, believe and courage.
Please feel free to visit my web site. I hope the title is that title which suits to me the best:
Please feel free to follow my blogs:
Please feel free to contact me and to ask questions.
There are no such as stupid questions in life!!
There are no problems in life, there are only situations and the new situations we are used to call ”problems”, but they are not problems. It is all about perception and action. 
I am here to listen to you, if you want.
I am here to advice you, if you want.
I am here to tell you my secret, if you want.
But don't forgett: The Secret is not a secret. The Secret is inside of each of us, we just have to see it, to feel it, to use it. We are the biggest force of ourselves, we just have to discover our deep side and to exploit our own power. 
Each of us is unique.
If we are people = there are secrets in the world.
Do not hesitate to listen to others.
Do not hesitate to ask for advice.
Do not hesitate to ask for help.
Do not hesitate to say "Thank you" all the time.
Stay open to opportunities.
Stay awake.
It does not matter where you are in the world. You can have access to the same opportunities I have. It is your choice. 
You can be a distributor and improve your life. Just follow the instructions on this link:
Yes, I had last Saturday  the best times ever in an endurance triathlon. 1h30' for 4 km swim and 6h20' for 180 km bike are my best results so far and maybe I have to thank a bit to the new Aloe Vera products which I use for energizing me during the race, training and to maintain my body on long term. After all I am 48 today and I do not train too consequent due to my other responsibilities!
Related to this, click here: 150 future Diamond Managers went to school today in Salzburg 

2 Kommentare:

  1. Hello, happy to read this! I am interested in some products because I do triathlon like you and I follow your blog and I know about the products from Forever, they are better than other AV products. Should I order directly on your website?

  2. Hello, Andreas. You can order directly there, of course. Or you can register yourself - you have to see the conditions depending in which country do you register, it can be a starter package you have to buy and then you have a discount of 30% - Of course you need to mention your SPONSOR, which is me and for that you need my Sponsor-ID. Send me an e-mail, if interested to hear more information.
