Sonntag, 29. April 2018

Curse? Care curse?! :-)

În toamna-iarna 2014/2015 când viața m-a luat pe neașteptate și în decursul lunilor am fost nevoită să constat că ”era participării mele la curse”, indiferent de natura lor (maratoane montane, triatloane *nu mă împac deloc cu ”triatlonuri!!!*) e pusă în sala de așteptare, nu eram nici măcar capabilă să sufăr din cauza rupturii bruște de o lume care mă definise în ultimii aproximativ zece ani (începusem în 2010 cu maratoane de mtb și apoi migrasem direct la triatlon, apoi la alergare montană și ocazional la concursuri de înot, după care, în Austria, au intervenit și curse de ciclism).
Anii au trecut .... incredibil, dar au trecut trei ani ..... anii au trecut și în perioada asta de timp s-au întâmplat atât de multe chestii, cât nu-mi aduc aminte să fi trăit în 10 ani anteriori. Aproximativ un an jumate am fost ca și ”dispărută”, după care am început să ies spre suprafață și urcarea a mai durat aproximativ un an jumate. 
Azi am conștientizat pentru prima oară cu adevărat că nu duc dorul participării la curse. Și știu și de ce. Și știu și de ce participam la curse și acum știu că motivul nu era ”sănătos”, pentru că era de fap o evadare. Umplea un gol imens, absolut imens .....
Acum sunt cam pe unde visam și-mi imaginam ..... din multe puncte de vedere. Și chiar dacă nu am atins încă toate punctele (de vedere), acum mă simt ...... binecuvântată ....
Imaginile vorbesc de la sine ...... și cu ele mă opresc de la o postare analitică, pe care o amân pentru un moment mai bun .... azi, după o altă zi perfectă, sunt de-a dreptul ”epuizată” :-)
Remarc că fiecare an începe să capete un titlu .... 2018 pare să fie Anul Contemplării .....

Nu e praf, ci e polen răscolit de vânt la finalul unei zile mult prea calde pentru un final de aprilie. Un spectacol de-a dreptul fascinant, fascinant!!!!

Mittwoch, 18. April 2018

Falling in love .... with Salzburg

When I first met Salzburg back in summer 2002, after coming from climbing high Ecuadorian volcanos over 6.000 m high, I felt in love with the old city and the flair of it. I was in transit only for about eleven hours and I walked the entire day through it, in and out, until my feet collapsed. I still remember the bank where I took a break at 7 p.m. in the evening and being approached by two merry guys. My train to Vienna was at 11 p.m.
I returned to Salzburg then for Christmas 2005, choosing a 3 stars hotel and 2 classical concerts in one of the amazing small old castles of the city. I stayed five days.
I saw Salzburg again for few hours in September 2007 while jobing as Cruise Manager on the Danube. It was rainy and pretty cold.
There were always some points in Salzburg which remained in my memoy: a big book shop on the corner next to the river, the Gothic Statue, The Burg, a restaurant where I had an enormous Schnitzel, the Statue of the Rider and so on ....
After many years I visited Salzburg in December 2015 again, with a friend I had that time. Then I returned in December 2016 again with a school colleague. I didn't really enjoyed the both times not being along here, because they weren't the "suitable" companion for me being here. 
The place has a special reverberation over me and now, after two days there, I start to understand more and more about the fascination of this area. 
I wanted to move out and live there, last year I attempted this idea and spend almost one day in Salzburg, but things didn't worked out for me, so now I live about 100 km away, one hour of driving. A piece of cake, I can be there almost any time I want ...
I returned today .... actually yesterday, because tomorrow became already  today at this hour of the night .... from Salzburg and I have difficulties to say how I feel.
Of course I walked some hours through the old city, but I wasn't shopping. Two days - two mountains to be run and to admire the city from all possible angles was an amazing experience. I never knew such of panorama over the entire area is possible .... and today I had to be told by someone in Kaprun how much she hates Salzburg .....
The place has an interesting flair and also offer some contradictions. It is a very expensive place, where big luxury can be felt. If I could live here, I would choose a residence away from the city, in the forest, on the hill. There are some impressive old residencies all around the place .... otherwise, living conditions are pretty hursh and terrible expensive for a normal local person, so the contradiction is deep and not very nice, as in all big cities of the world.
I would not define Salzburg as a big city, but for sure one of the most visited and famous. It is nestled among hils, forests, high mountains and the river, it breath a lot of old history ... it is always about what do you choose or can to see when you are in a place ....
I admired the luxury, but the most time I spend running and walking on the both city mountaing, Kapuzinerberg and Mönchsberg. Over 3.000 stairs up and down and over 30 Km in two days ..... just because this was my choice. I would never had a better chance to see the entire panorama of the place and this took my breath away, really ..... 450 pictures shooted in one day only ....
I am tired now .... but I do hope to come again for writting .... I hope to come again and again to write about all trips I did in the last years and about I never wrote ..............
I kept Salzbug  and Vienna as the place where I am living for several years on my Facebook profile. It happened some years ago while living actually in Bucharest!! When I move out from Bucharest to Vienna, I changed the information on the profile and I fixed Vienna, but thinking all the time to Salzburg. Then I was told all the time, the chances to live here are almost zero. Too expensive, to complicated and so on. I gave up thinking, but not dreaming.
Living here now, so close to it, is a privilege ..... and a new face of the old same dream was born yesterday ...... Salzburg remains one of the legends of my life among another one which stays in my soul since very, very, very many years .......