Mittwoch, 11. April 2018

The Contemplation Year - in-out

I have to admitt that the last two months offered me a special slice of life .... About myself having on ordinary life is a subject of discussion, of course ..... but now I feel, more than anytime before, that I am really blessed ....
It can be the same life (joke!) I always had, but a new vision over the everything, maybe a new attention over the things occured .... I cannot say, because it is not clear at the moment .... What I can say for sure is that, despite of the storms I went through, the power of the winds and clouds seems to decrease, letting the sunshine appear....
February 2018  was a strong month and now, looking back to it I have the feeling that the things were arranged to be so just for me in order to be at certain moments in certain points of the Universe ..... I would not had the opportunity to see, to feel and to infinite admire the lake life at those early or late hours, to collect those extraordinary images and pictures which flew into me like a healing honey ....
Swans doing yoga in the early frozen day hours is an image you will never forgett, believe me :-)
Or the fog over the water or the sound of the ice on the lake .... 
I don't have enough vocabulary to describe this winter here ....

Now I changed a bit the place, I am very often in Kaprun, 5 Km away from home actually. The snow is melting, in the town it is already summer since over one week, we have about 20 up to 25°C here at almost 800 m altitude. But I discovered how close am I to the glacier .... and the fascination hugged me in the deepest way possible ..... so now I spend the most time running around on the hills and mountains so far I can and I resist .... 300 m higher and 3 km further from the town the temperatures drop dramatically ... a new experience for me, somehow .... I am in an infinite contemplation ..... I invite you to contemplate with me .....
Turning the back to the Kitzsteinhorn Glacier and looking back on the way I came up here. I stay in cold light windy shadow watching the show of the sunshine on the colours game of the nature 

it is not photoshop, it is my actual life .... it is a new, different life and I feel how deepest values come out from the valleys of myself ..... I feel like I am going back to basis into those childhood times and I miss my mom. She never talked about her love for the mountains, but now I can understand why we spend every single summer in a small village sourrounded by mountains and this happened 20 years long, every single summer! She sacrificied everything for that months up to 5 weeks far away from the capital city. Isolated, lonely holidays in the mountains, my mom and myself ....
The transition from a fascinating winter to a sensational summer through a capricious spring can be a turbulent time for the mind, spirit and body. It is exactly what I feel these weeks.
I sleep only partially and for sure is not the full moon effect, but the inner fascination over the changes all around me and inside myself.
I start to walk, then the walk becomes a run and I never know for how long or up to which point I run until I decide to return, because I feel pulled and attracted ..... the limits are now the temperatures ....
Because starting down at over 20°C and going 6-7 km into the mountains, entering the glacier area, the temperatures drop and as this is a very new environment for me, I wasn't prepaired for such of variety ..
And it is suddenly cold and empty, I am alone under the cable and I see or hear the people in the hanging cabins and between us there are worlds ....
I am also tired most of the time ... but now I started to go cyling, so I plan to proper prepair, to take the clothes I need and to ride soon a bit further, longer, higher, so far it is possible or so far I make it possible.
 Returning some days ago and running down hill on an isolated "hill" I suddenly hear a terrible noise ... right in time to leave the area before the violent rupture and heavy avalanche of stone, soil and ice cubs ....
Tones of rocks, ice and soil filled the empty space behind me in few seconds only, an amazing speed and noise .... for sure the best pace I ever had in my life !!

 I ended one of these gorgeous soul runs in a heavy wonderful picture ..... if you look at the picture below you can understand the meaning of my words ... it is so surreal ...

I'll be back in few days to finish the article ... mountains all over .... all directions .... lakes and forests and mountains, high mountains, over 3.000  ..... I knew it is beautiful, but I am still speechless .... 
I played my life on a single, on the last card I had ..... being sure I change the luck, I change the energies, I change the vibrations ..... but this is a long, long, long different story ... I understood the meaning of I AM!

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