Donnerstag, 17. Oktober 2019

Massage for the Soul, Massage for the Feet

Anybody here doing meditative trail running or just trail running? I would like to find such a small group in the area or to initiate one if anybody interested.”
This is ”our” Facebook-Group where you can ask any kind of question and you always get a reply and I love it, because you really can ask everything at all (There are no such as ”stupid questions”, only stupid reactions to the questions!!).
Some are trying to mix and pretend they ”ask” while they just do some advertising for a product or a service. The usual chaos and disrespect on the on-line world!

So, the replies I got showed me that:
1. some persons could be interested and I invited them to contact me, but it seems they are not ready for such a challenge, after all (sic!);
2. there is no such a group in my living area;
3. anybody knows what this can be (and anybody is asking.). 

Before I explain what I understand under the term of "meditative run", the story of the day starts with the probably the most important picture of yesterday's adventure:
The trail: Schüttdorf (750 m) - AreitLounge (about 6 km 1.411 m) - Glocknerhause (1.583 m) - Pinzgauer Hütte (1.695 m) - Hochsonnbergalm (1.851 m) - Maurerkogel Peak (2.074 m) - Schmittenhöhe (2.000 m) - Mittelstation Schmitten (1.325 m) - Schüttdorf (about 5 km - back to 750 m) - about 30 km long, ca 7 hours of slow run & hike + about 1,5 hours of break on the way, over 1.700 m high gain (cumulative).
As I got no specific contact, just some "wow, such an interesting idea!! I'm in!", the next day in the morning, at 9 a.m. I spontaneously posted an event on my Trainer profile for the same day: "Meditative long trail run, meeting point X at 11 a.m., Contact me up to 10:50 under .... phone number".

Maurerkogel - Epic Run indeed!
The run was special not because it was long, but because at km 16 I felt and dislocated my left shoulder. I thought I can die of pain. It was 16:45 and my last chance to get the cable for the descent has vanished. So, I was alone on the whole mountain and I still had to run back home over 10 km. The short version of the story: I "put the shoulder back" and run back home using only the right arm. It took about 2 weeks until I could use the left arm again and I had pretty "funny" days, not being able to wash myself or to help me in the bathroom ...... yeah ....
Three nights ago I had a dream. I went to the front desk of a big hospital and I asked: ”How can I change my heart? I was told, my heart is sick. How can I get another one, a new one? Do I order here and I get a new heart?”
Something is changed now. This is the second message I get.
The first was two years ago .... Delirium im September
Update: after about ten days I was able to exprim the dream by drawing the idea and this was the first what came out.
This was the second what came out:

N-am mai scris de mult în română. Pentru că mi-e greu, pentru că mi-am pierdut dexteritatea și probabil interesul  sau pentru că, după 10 ani de bloguit, mi se pare că ”vorbesc” la pereți. Cele mai citite și comentate postări aici nu sunt cele în română, deși cel mai mare număr de cititori și vizualizari provin din România.
O carte nu intră în valoarea de carte, dacă nu e citită. Un scriitor nu  numit cititor, dacă nu e citit. Un jurnalist nu e recunoscut ca jurnalist, dacă nu publică într-un mediu de mass-media recunoscut. 
Așa că ... d-aia nu mai scriu în română. Și de cele mai multe ori mi-e greu să mă decid între cele trei limbi ..... scriu în limba de unde provine un feed-back, so simple is that.

26 k

Long run
Looking and wondering around today, as I still do almost every day: I am where I didn't dare to hope, but I always wished! Thank you, more, please :-)