Samstag, 21. März 2020

corona time _ 6

One of the aspects this worldwide crisis can teach us is about connectivity. Not about connection, but about connectivity. How connected and dependant from each other we all are and I mean now only from the pragmatic, financial, commercial point of view.

It seems that human society has forgotten some common sense principles of functioning.

I know this for a long time now but yesterday just hit me again as I say two advertisements spread around in these times:

One from a guy who is a sort of genius in presentations. Now as he cannot keep his presentations anymore and probably has no further enquiries he tries to find commercial solutions. He offers on-line services, but he might miss the fact that in these times our priorities changed. Wo gives 3.000 Euro (as a minimum fee) for teaching how to present himself/herself? 

The other guy published in the actual local newspaper an add about his luxus furniture services. I know the guy pretty well, he, unfortunately, crossed on the path of my life two years ago. Who cares now or in the next months about having a piece of luxuriant kitchen furniture?

Most of the people are out of work and they get less money. Significant less money. They stay at home. They pay the utilities and the rent. 

It is like I would now add for my services as Ironman Coach while the most Ironman events this season seems to be cancelled! It can be that I will talk to my clients and see that they don't pay for the time being although I need the money as I need the air ..... 

So, I don't think it is the right time to win new clients. Yes, some of us try to ignore the reality and the wind of change by simulating a normal life, but our life - as individuals and as a society - will never be the same again.

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