Donnerstag, 30. September 2010

EVENTS in October

First weekend of October: again full activity for mountain bikers and runers

We enjoy a soft autumn this year, an additional reason for some organizers to keep you fit to the winter sports transition.
On Saturday, October the 2nd, the Piatra Craiului mountain range will host for the 5th time a new edition of the “Piatra Craiului Marathon”. If you enjoy mountain running you have the chance to run 41 km with an altitude difference of 2.150 m. Start and finish point in the city of Zarnesti, Brasov County. Until 30th of September the participation fee – Simple ackage A - is 75 RON, after that date will be 100 RON. You can also choose to book a Package B or C having an accommodation night included. A medical certificate attesting that the participant is physically fit for endurance and a valid accidents insurance which covers participation in such race are required to be presented before the start.  An accident insurance can be provide on the spot.

After that you can drive for about 75 km to Valea Crisului, Covasna County, situated 10 km away from Sf. Gheorghe to Baile Tusnad. On Sunday, 3rd of October, at 10:00, on Str. Principala 292 will start the 2nd  edition of “AlpinSport MTB Marathon”.  There is a Hobby section for 31 km and a Marathon Track for 51 km. Being an outdoor event, the the tracks are not arranged and unprotected, using marked and unmarked roads and paths with a medium technical level. Due to a varied landscape, there are sections of the trail where downhill and uphill knowledge are required, but these are common elements for all mountain biking races. Participation fee is 50 RON if the payment occurs until the September 29th on line and 80 RON on the spot, before the start. All categories of nature and sport lovers are invited to participate.
go here for details 

Upcoming mountain bike race near Bucharest in Comana Natural Park

The season for mountain bike races and triathlons is almost ending for 2010, but there’s one more event you probably won’t want to miss.  After a very full summer season, probably one of the last mountain bike races for the year will be organized by TeamExpert near Bucharest, in the Natural Parc Comana. The competition will take place on October 23th and will have two options to ride – one on about 20 km and the second one about 50 km. Adults and children will be welcomed to participate. The participation fee is of 35 RON for those who pay until September 20th, 50 RON for those who pay 21st of September and October 15th.
For those undecided, there is also the possibility to pay before start, but you’ll be charged with 70 RON. Those paying until October 8th get a personalized number. To subscribe, go here.
This year’s mountain bike race season was opened in the second week-end of May by the event called “The First Escape”. The first edition in 2009 attracted 600 participants, above expectations. The second edition, on Europe’s Day, collected an impressive number of about 1.300 participants at the start, everybody with a strong will to finish the race of 57 km between the Police Academy through the Baneasa Forest and the Astoria Complex in Snagov. There are only few such sports events near Bucharest and they are new, as most of them happen in the hills and mountains areas. 2010 was the second summer season when all weekends were covered with at least one such of event.

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