Donnerstag, 4. Juli 2013

Triathlon St. Ana Lake Exterra

I am a little behind with my writing .... I wanted to write more detailed about a beatiful Exterra Triathlon: St. Ana Lake. It will be on 13th of July, in the only crater lake from Romania (!)
Organizationally speaking, they had some troubles in the past years, but the tracks are very nice and I think it is a very affordable triathlon, provided you know how to ride your mountain bike, of course!
 The bike track is a little technical, pay attention, especially if the terrain is muddy or wet!! You better go along your bike on that technical descent.
The on-line subscribing were closed yesterday, but you still have the possibility to register on the spot.
The story from 2012 (only Romanian, sorry!)
The story from 2011 (only Romania, sorry!)
The story from 2010, 1st edition (only Romanian, sorry!)
2013: No story! Sorry! I had to cancel it this year.
The reason? Not enough money for this trip, I had to choose some cheaper options (not so far from home, half of the distance only).

2 Kommentare:

  1. Thanks for info, it sounds interesting and I think about joining next year! By the way, exceptionall blog you have here and Google translate works not so bad. You have a huge potential in Romania, but you should take care about your environment, too much trash and garbage in the mountains, I was there last year. Keep on going with writing :), great job!

  2. A fost un concurs pe cinste si multumim pentru acest blog, datorita caruia am si aflat de desfasurarea unui triatlon in zona lacului Sf. Ana! Gasca noastra crede ca startul s-ar putea da ceva mai devreme totusi, speram ca organizatorul sa fie receptiv.
